Egypt, one of the worlds most cultural influences..
Everything there is a complete mystery. everythig is completely different from what I have imagined it in my head. There are many differences with the imagined Cairo and reality Cairo. Like for an example I thought there was going to luxury surrounding me, which is not the case of course. There are old buildings and cars. But there is a good to every bad.
To start, everyone there are like friends even if they do not know each other. Once I was walking home from school and i saw two cars colliding. I thought there was going to be a big commotion between the drivers, but they both just said sorry, gave some money, and left. Strange, right? First week I was here, I went to get snacks and when I was paying I noticed i did not have enough money on me. The cashier noticed and shrugged it off saying "You can pay later." I was shocked upon hearing this and on how much they trust each other. To sum it up, this is what makes Egypt unique.
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