Here in Egypt there are 3 ways a man without a car can go araoud. One puplic buses. Two taxis and three microbuses. Microbuses are vans with 3 rows of seats. The last seat of the first two rows fold to make a passage way to the back seats. These microbuses vary in models. The older ones being smaler and less comftable and the newer ones being more comftable and biger.
In Egypt microbus is an essential and often really useful. It is a cheaper and faster way of transportation. You can find one easily. For example if I were to leave my house I could find the right micro bus in ten minute.
The way it works is, they have bus stops where many microbuses wait. When the microbus fills up the driver takes of. Usually going really fast and reckless. It stops when ever the person needs to stop and picks up some one if there is any free space. They directly go to their destination and there every one gets off. Then he collects new people and heads back to the station.
Of course there are bad sides to microbuses. For example it could take some tine to fill the micro bus and most micro bus drivers don't move without filling every seat. This usually makes the rides very uncomfortable and crowded. Some times getting in a microbus can be a problem. For example if there is a lot of people waiting for a microbus then as soon as one comes every one rushes. People can get injured or pushed out of the way.
In conclusion micobuses are really important in Egypt. Usually being chased over buses do to their direct routes and fastness. They could be crowded and small but at the end of the day they are the most efficient way to go somewhere in Egypt
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