How I eat “Asab”, the Sugarcane

by 9:00 PM - Wednesday, June 8, 2016 0 comments
First time I saw “Kasab” it looked like bamboo. “Kasab” is just sugarcane, they call it “ ‘Asab” in Ammiyah (their local language).

In Egypt they sell these on the street and make sugarcane juice. Sugarcane also very cheap like anything else in Egypt. The first time I drank sugarcane juice was when I first came. One of my Egyptian friends brought us to a juice shop. There we drank watermelon juice, orange juice, peach juice, and mango juice. All was good.  then our friend ordered the sugarcane juice.

We didn’t know what it was at first.  He gave it to all of us to try. My first thoughts were that it tasted like grass (you might ask how I know? but that’s another story for another time:) ). When I drank it I got disgusted and asked him if he was making us drink grass and if this was a joke, he laughed. He said that it was just sugarcane. I thought that I would never drink it again. My friend Hussam said that it gets better every time I drink it. So I decided  to drink it again. He was right, this time it tasted better. I drank one more time, then drank it again and again.  Now I like how it tastes. I am used it.

I even went a step further and bought a stick of sugarcane.  One of our Egyptian friends showed me how to eat it by peeling the outer skin with your teeth and biting and sucking on the sugarcane juice. It was like chewing on this bamboo, wood thing but you get greeted with a sweet juice instead of a wood taste. It might seem weird but you get used to it.

Just Bought…
Trying to gnaw sugarcane. If we can’t  we will fight with them.
To make the juice in juice stores they have special machines that squeeze the juice out of the green stalks. The machine is an Egyptian invented device, the first people to come up with the idea are Egyptians. This thing is very popular in Egypt and they drink it because supposedly Egyptian Islamic scholar Al-Shafi‘i (767- 820) said that sugarcane is very healthy .

Sugar cane juice is extracted by introducing the sticks into machine
Whether you drink it for fun or for health purposes “Kasab” is a very tasty refreshing drink and I would recommend it to anybody that visits Egypt.


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