Egypt vs America

by 11:57 AM - Monday, June 6, 2016 0 comments
The Egyptian life is different than American life. Everything from the houses to the people are different from America. Most of Egypt is city unlike America. The building are all a yellowish color which is different from the city’s in America. Also the Egypt is pretty dirty. The place where people throw their trash is a place in the street. There's big trash cans for the people but it doesn’t get emptied often, so when people see that it is full they throw their trash on the ground next to it. The garbage men use donkey carts with big baskets attached to it.

Stores in Egypt are also different from those in America. In Egypt stores sell one kind of item. For example, there's no store that sell clothing and electronics, all stores are separate. The only place where you can find stuff like this is in a mall. But the stores there are separate anyway. Also a owner of a store in America is usually pretty rich, in Egypt they are not too rich.

There is traffic everywhere, some places more than others. You can see a lot of traffic in America but Egypt’s traffic is really different. In Egypt there are no lanes so cars go down streets however they want. Also there are no stop signs or traffic lights so you have to be careful in the streets. There also aren’t any traffic rules. The only rule is use your horn, which is not official but it's what the people go by.


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