Something that you see a lot in Egypt that you don't see in America too much is stray animals. In Egypt there are groups of cats that live near garbage cans. If you are going by garbage you will most likely see a few cats. You can also see dogs in groups all over the place. The Egyptian people don't really like them, especially the dogs.
yesterday night I went to the market because the next day I was going to make breakfast. As I was buying stuff a puppy came in to the store. He was hungry and waiting for food. The owner of the store pushed him out with his foot. Later as I was heading back home the dog followed me. I entered the house while he waited outside. I brought him a piece of the bunny meat that we cut 4 months ago but still haven’t eaten. We weren’t going to eat it anyway so I gave him a piece. I went back up to the apartment and watched him from the balcony. A few minutes later a lady didn’t realize he was there and when he saw here she panicked. As she took steps back the dog walked up to her wagging his tail to play. The lady started throwing stones at the dog and he started whining. The front of the house is Marble and the dog went there. Later the late got a stick and roughly pushed the dog off on to the street.
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