Air conditioners are one of the best inventions of mankind. I didn’t notice this until the last couple weeks in Egypt. When I was in America I thought that it used to be very hot and turn on the air conditioner but Egypt gave a new definition for the word “hot” for me.
Sometimes when I’m going back home from class it feels like I’m in some sort of oven. The sun doesn’t show itself through the dust and clouds however does make you certain of its presence.
Hot wind just blows on your face and you come home dripping in sweat. Sometimes I wake up in a pool of sweat, that’s how hot it is in Egypt. When we go to the Language Class there are air conditioners in every room however our teacher doesn’t let us use it because it’s normal for him, he says “you guys haven’t seen summer yet”. Before he said that I wondered if it got more summer than this, apparently it does.
A couple days ago, about last week: it was burning. Waking up in the night in a pool, dying in the center and then coming home and dying some more. I really feel bad for people that have to do anything outside in heat like this. I can say for sure that this is the hottest weather I’ve ever seen. I heard that in Indonesia the people say there are 3 seasons: “hot” season, “very hot” season, and “incredibly hot” season, and I think that Egypt’s summer is like that “incredibly hot” season:)
How to fight the heat
Other than using an air conditioning there are many other ways to fight the heat in Egypt. One way is drinking juice, yes drinking juice. There are places or sometimes people on the street that sell fresh squeezed fruits and you can get anything from mango to guava. The juices are really delicious and is definitely a must-try thing for one that’s visiting to Egypt. The juice not only tastes good but is very refreshing too.
Another way to stay cool is to open windows. Windows are good and let in wind and fresh air however sometimes isn’t a good idea. In “oven days” I would strictly advise not to open windows. These are but some ways to survive this desert climate.
Oh I almost forgot, There is also another way, I leaf through the internet and see it. I named it simply “the box” method. You will see the details in the picture below. I think I should try this:)

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