Recently we went to the Arabic Olympics. There, people who learned or knew Arabic recited Arabic poems and performed skits. One of those I liked the most was a small girl reciting a poem about how innocent people getting killed afflicted loneliness and fear on her. It made so many of us shed tears. It showed how much the world has changed. Maybe if everyone around the world heard this, each of them would get depressed but few poems sung by other children were full of hope as well. Thus, if we are hopeful we will be motivated as the world has stopped helping each other after they lose HOPE. Especially, after recent attacks, it is important to have such events which boost hope, optimism, and motivation among all of us. I really enjoyed that event, and looking forward to attending more events like this. I have been also trying to memorize a poem.
We also went to a beach at the Red Sea. It was called Shamusa. It was really beautiful there. We had fun swimming in the pools and the ocean. Here are some pictures:
Beautiful Sunset from the Bus

View of the Sea
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