One Day in Cairo

by 2:40 PM - Friday, February 19, 2016 0 comments

      I've been in Cairo for about four months now, I'm improving my language every day. 
When I first came to Cairo I struggled, not knowing the language. Also there were a few thing that seemed weird to me, for example instead of garbage trucks there are donkey carts that have huge baskets attached to it. After a month of struggling I finally started getting used to life. Every month seemed to be going faster.
      On the second month we went to the pyramids. we woke up early to get our residence, so if a soldier asks for our passports we won't have problems. After waiting two hours we ate lunch and then went to the pyramids. The area was very crowded. we took a few picture then tried to clime the pyramids. Then after that we rode camels. Finally after a long day we headed home.


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